Registration look-up

If you have lost your registration code (access code, serial key, etc.), you have come to the right place to help you find it.

Automated Email System

The easiest way to retrieve your lost code is for us to email it to you at the address you originally used to pay for your license or access code. If you have changed your address in our records (by following the link at the bottom of our periodic email alerts from us), that email will work as well.

(The message you receive will also hold the URLs you need to manage your subscription to our email alert list, and submit your website or websites to our site directory.)

Be sure that your email host or program’s spam filter does not block messages from, or your reply will never be received!

Your email address:

Manual Transaction Lookup

If the email address we have for you is not current, then we will need to look up your code manually, so it may take a few days. The more information you can provide for us, the faster we can get back to you.

If you paid us directly...

It will help if you can send us some information to look up your purchase, such as the last 4 digits of your credit card. If you still have your receipt we emailed you, please send the receipt number.

If you paid us with PayPal...

Most of the information you need here can be found by logging into your PayPal account, choosing the “My Account” tab and the “History” sub-tab, and looking for a payment to Karelia Software.

Choose the “Details” link to view the details about the transaction. This will bring up a page showing your transaction ID, the date and time of the transaction, and so forth. This information will help us look up your information.

Now, please fill out this form as best as you can.

Payment/Receipt ID #
Last 4 digits of credit card
Your Name
Your Email Address
Message, other details, and additional ways to contact you: